Only One.


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We are so small in this big world. Sometimes I find it hard to think about about how important we are to other people, when you think of the entire earth and how we don’t matter to someone all the way on the other side of the world. While looking at these great pictures and keeping the reading in mind I thought more about the backgrounds of each picture and the facial expressions of all of the beautiful people in these photographs. I wanted to know more about where they came from or who lived in the houses that were in the photographs. I also focused more on the angles the pictures were taken and what things were missing from the pictures in order to tell an entire story with no words.

If you think about it the only proof we have that something or someone exists is to actually see them or having a picture or video in order to make others believe that the person is real. Each picture that was taken in The People You Meet at McDonalds, just proved that there are so many different types of people all around that we have never met but can find so many similarities with these strangers. “Photography has become one of the principal devices for experiencing something, for giving an appearance of participation” (7). I didn’t realize how much we rely on pictures and how much control photographers have when they decide to show us what they are viewing. In a way we are able to see through someone else’s point of view while obsessing over a simple  picture and understanding what they thought was important enough to be captured and the emotion that comes with the picture. 

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